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      Creative + Performance Marketing Agency

We suck

At following the crowd. We carve new paths

Creative Marketing Agency

We suck

At following the crowd.

We carve new paths

Why You shouldn't hire us

If you are thinking, "We need an agency to do the same campaign another company did, but with our logo on it," there are thousands upon thousands of other agencies ready & willing to take your money. Don't hire us for "by the numbers," marketing, that's not our style.

Why You

hire us

You either feel your marketing has gotten a bit stale, OR you're looking to go after a new type of customer in a big way. In both scenarios, you've come to the conclusion that you need to shake things up in a unique way that creates some buzz. That's for us to do.

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Construction Equipment Marketing Case Study








Find out how

Yeah, we used the
elderly  to promote demolition equipment...


Find out how

we do

We're not just creative. Behind what we create is a well oiled machine of research, data driven decisions, & systematic automation that takes what we make for you, & blows up the benefits that will last well beyond the launch date.


42,000 new products will launch this year, & up to 80% will fail. That's a harsh truth, but what's even more true is that the failure of most products doesn't happen externally. It happens internally with no clear plan, & no accuracy in said plan to get the product to their customers.
On the marketing side of that plan, Brand Month can carve out the path with research, discovering target customers, outline potential brand partnership, developing the product launch, and multiple campaign options you can employ over the products life time to consistently bring in customers over the years.

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Your brand isn't a logo, colors, or a theme. You have to make all of those to create a brand, but a brand is what people think of you in every single thing you do. How they feel when they see your posts, your site, your logo, your comments, your emails, etc. All of that builds their idea of who your company is, & each customers view of you is correct for them. It's impossible to win everyone on earth, but with Brand Month, we'll get the majority of people thinking of you the way you want them to.

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If your website isn't functioning like a 24/7 high performing employee, then it's broken. Would you accept a sales rep letting lead go without capturing their info, or having no visibility on how many people they are talking to? Of course not, so why should your website be any different? Your site should be a sales rep, a kiosk, a presentation, an accountant, a marketing pro, & business development specialist all rolled into one. Luckily, we know exactly how to do that!

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Thought leadership content is a must to support and validate growing brand fame. That’s why we partner with experienced subject matter expert writers, and raise the bar for design and branding. How you frame your story visually, tonally and psychologically governs its impact and audience. We bring insights to life and add value with every blog, ebook, whitepaper, video, gif, and every other digital asset we create. Beautiful designs and innovative formats add the wow factor.

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Creativity is central to the concepts and execution of everything we do and there is more than one route to fame. We take a balanced best practice approach. In the short term content marketing, thought leadership, influencer outreach and lead generation campaigns drive traffic to your website. We can also hone in on wishlist clients through ABM campaigns. And for long term brand building, we deliver multimedia awareness campaigns that will amplify your brand’s fame through original, clever and cut through advertising.

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Trade Shows

Sick and tired of not being able to prove ROI from your trade shows? Let's make that a problem of the past! Brand Month knows how to not only make an impressive looking booth, but also turn your booth itself into a tool to use when talking with visitors. Get interactive elements to enhance the experience, and let us set up marketing efforts to promote your presence at the show, and nurture all leads earned into becoming your next customers!

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